Entrepreneur Form

If you would like to submit a proposal for funding, please complete the form.

    Business Description
    * Describe your business and the achievements to date Maximum 1500 characters
    * What is your revenue model? Maximum 500 characters
    * Who are your target customers? Maximum 500 characters
    * Why should potential customers choose you instead of your competitors? Maximum 1000 characters
    * Please list the relevant people that are vital to your business’s success. Please provide the role that you expect them to perform and give a brief background of each person Maximum 2000 characters
    * How much capital (US $) has been invested in the business to date? Maximum 300 characters
    * How much capital (US $) is your business seeking to raise now? Maximum 300 characters
    * How much equity are you offering in return for the investment? Maximum 300 characters
    Additional Details
    Please use this space to provide any important additional details Maximum 1000 characters